F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Context (n): 1- the situation within which something exists or happens, and that can help explain it.
E.g.: To understand this issue, it must first be situated in its context.
E.g.: What was the context you found the word in?

Scholar (n): 1- a person who studies a subject in great detail, especially at a university.
E.g.: Dr Miles was a distinguished scholar of Russian history.

Consensus (n): 1- a generally accepted opinion or decision among a group of people.
E.g.: The general consensus in the office is that he can’t do his job.

Brainwash (v): 1- to make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them.
E.g.: Their government is trying to them into thinking that war cannot be avoided.

Jew (n): 1- 犹

STD = Sexually Transmitted Disease


Plan: /plæn/

Plane: /pleɪn/

Consensus: /kənˈsen.səs/