F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Subordinate (adj/n): 1- having a lower or less important position
E.g.: It’s very important for a manager to be able to communicate with the subordinates.

Hierarchy (n): 1- a system in which people or things are arranged according to their importance. (adj: Hierarchical)
E.g.: He rose quickly through the hierarchy to become leader in the company.
E.g.: Asian companies are usually more hierarchical than western organization.

Workload (n): 1- the amount of work to be done, especially by a particular person or machine in a period of time:
E.g.: Teachers are always complaining about their heavy workloads.

Arise (v): 1- to happen.
E.g.: It’s important to deal with problems as they arise.
E.g.: Could you work on Saturday, should the need arise (= if it were to be necessary)?
E.g.: Are there any matters arising from (= caused by) the last meeting?

Overworked  to (cause someone to) work too much.
E.g.: You look exhausted – I hope they’re not overworking you.

Interfere (v): 1- to prevent something from working effectively or from developing successfully.
E.g.: Even a low level of noise interferes with my concentration.

Compartmentalize (v): 1- to separate something into parts and not allow those parts to mix together.
E.g.: It’s important to be able to compartmentalize problems and not let them influence other aspects of your life.


How do you response to stress? – How do you respond to stress?


Hierarchy: /ˈhaɪ.rɑːr.ki/

Hierarchical: /ˌhɑɪ·əˌrɑr·kɪ·kəl/

Train: /treɪn/

Compartmentalize: /ˌkɒm.pɑːtˈmen.təl.aɪz/

Interfere: /ˌɪn.t̬ɚˈfɪr/