F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Write 5 sentences in the Future Tense, using “going to” instead of “will”.


Hill (n): 1- an area of land that is higher than the surrounding land.
E.g.: Hills are not as high as mountains.

Mining (n): 1- the industry or activity of removing substances such as coal or metal from the ground by digging.
E.g.: Mining is the main economic activity in this region.

Wonder (v): 1-  to ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something.
E.g.: Shouldn’t you phone home? Your parents will be wondering where you are.
E.g.: He’s starting to wonder whether he did the right thing in accepting this job.

Bald spot / patch (n): 1- an area of a person’s head that has no hair.
E.g.: He tries to hide his bald patch by brushing his hair across it.

Bold (adj): 1- not frightened of danger; brave. 2- not shy, especially in a way that shows no respect. 3- strong in color or shape, and very noticeable to the eye; not subtle. 4- printed in thick dark letters.
E.g.: She was a bold and fearless climber.
E.g.: He made some very bold statements that shocked everyone.
E.g.: They painted the kitchen in bold colors.
E.g.: This sentence is written in bold.

Sweep (v): 1- to clean especially a floor by using a brush to collect the dirt into one place from which it can be removed:
E.g.: She swept the ashes from the fireplace.

Sometimes (adv): 1- on some occasions but not always or often.
E.g.: Sometimes we take food with us and sometimes we buy food when we’re there.

Sometime (adv): 1- at a time in the future or the past that is not known or not stated.
E.g.: We really should meet sometime soon to discuss the details.

Some time: 1-  a while; an unspecified period of time.
E.g.: We talked for some time and then we went home.


I’m very confident than now. – I’m more confident now.