F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Coordinate (v): 1- to make many different things work effectively as a whole.
E.g.: We need someone to coordinate the whole campaign.

Coordinator (n): 1- someone whose job is to make different groups work together in an organized way to achieve something:
E.g.: We’ve just appointed a coordinator who will oversee the whole project.

Flag  (v): 1- to put a mark on something so it can be found easily among other similar things.
E.g.: Flag any files that might be useful later.

Accountability (n): 1- a situation in which someone is held responsible for things that happen and can give a satisfactory reason for them.
E.g.: The organization suffers from a lack of accountability.

Responsibility (n): 1- something that it is your job or duty to deal with.
E.g.: It’s her responsibility to ensure the project finishes on time.

Scenario (n): 1- a description of possible actions or events in the future.
E.g.: There are several possible scenarios.

Delegate (v): 1- to give a particular job, duty, right, etc. to someone else so that they do it for you:
E.g.: As a boss you have to delegate responsibilities to your staff.


Accountability vsResponsibility: The main difference between responsibility and accountability is that responsibility can be shared while accountability cannot. Being accountable not only means being responsible for something but also ultimately being answerable for your actions.


Variety: /vəˈraɪə.t̬i/

Internal:  /ɪnˈtɝː.nəl/

External: /ɪkˈstɝː.nəl/

Hospitality: /ˌhɑː.spɪˈtæl.ə.t̬i/

Initiate: /ɪˈnɪʃ.i.eɪt/

Aesthetics: /esˈθet̬.ɪks/

Delegate: /ˈdel.ə.ɡət/

I would make a detailed plan, so I can establish what tasks need to be done, what are the appropriate deadlines, and who in my team is the best person to do each one of them. After that, I would delegate those tasks and focus on my own, while still overseeing everyone else’s development and working to help them solve eventual problems. In case there are bigger problems that I cannot solve myself, I would then contact my superior and ask for the best way to proceed.