F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Read an article online and write a paragraph about it. Make sure you also include the link to the original article, so we can open it in class.


Recurrent (adj): 1- happening again many times
E.g.: This is a recurrent problem and we need to tackle it soon.

Chronic (adj): 1- (especially of a disease or something bad) continuing for a long time:
E.g.: There is a chronic shortage of teachers.

Bog down (v): 1- to prevent someone or something from moving on or progressing.
E.g.: He’s a big-picture leader and doesn’t get bogged down in the details.

Looming (adj): 1- (of something unwanted or unpleasant) about to happen soon and causing worry:
E.g.: Investors are afraid that the looming crisis will disrupt their business activities.

Diminishing (adj): 1- to reduce or be reduced in size or importance.
E.g.: I don’t want to diminish her achievements, but she did have a lot of help.

Be/Get in the groove (v): 1- to be or start operating or performing successfully:
E.g.: Alex Popov proved he was back in the groove by winning the 100 meters freestyle.

Writing exercise


Recently I have found my time easily being kidnapped by small matters in life, which made me have less time to do the important things. It brings me a lot of stress when I couldn’t finish my homework before classes or when I was going to be late for meetings. I am desperate to learn how to stop this chaotic life and stop procrastinating.
The first step is to create a daily to-do list and even to set the specific time for our items to be done by. Stick to the priorities and don’t get distracted by other thoughts. We can take notes when we think of other matters and finish them in another to-do list. When we consider to put off things, simply force ourselves to use the next 120 seconds to be productive and do the duty you normally would push off for hours or days.
This article provides us a lot of methods to overcome procrastination and to be productive. Although not all of these are suitable for me, I think if I can stick to them, I will cultivate a good habit and find work-life balance.


Recently I have found my time easily being kidnapped by small matters in life, which makes me have less time to do the important things. It brings me a lot of stress when I can’t finish my homework before classes or when I realize I’m late for meetings. I am desperate to learn how to change this chaotic life and stop procrastinating.
The first step is to create a daily to-do list and even set the specific time for our items to be done by. Stick to the priorities and don’t get distracted by other thoughts. We can take notes when we think of other matters and finish them in another to-do list. When we consider putting off things, we should simply force ourselves to use the next 120 seconds to be productive and do the task you normally would put off for hours or days.
This article provides us a lot of methods to overcome procrastination and be productive. Although not all of these are suitable for me, I think if I can stick to them, I will cultivate a good habit and find work-life balance.


Hop: /hɑːp/

Evaluate: /ɪˈvæl.ju.eɪt/

Chore: /tʃɔːr/


News in Levels

TED Talk: Inside the mind of a master procrastinator | Tim Urban