F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Break up (n): 1- to finish a relationship with a boyfriend/girlfriend.
E.g.: Nicole broke up with her boyfriend in March.
E.g.: He decided to break up with her.

Terrible (adj): 1- very, very bad.
E.g.: The weather was terrible.
E.g.: He did something terrible, so I broke up with him.

Valentine’s Day (n): 1- 情人节
E.g.: Today is Valentine’s Day in China

Barbecue (n/v): 1- = BBQ

Months of the Year:
1- January
2- February
3- March
4- April
5- May
6- June
7- July
8- August
9- September
10- October
11- November
12- December


Fall / Autumn


10- ten
11- eleven
12- twelve
13- thirteen
14- fourteen
15- fifteen
16- sixteen
17- seventeen
18- eighteen
19- nineteen
20- twenty
30- thirty
40- forty
50- fifty
60- sixty
70- seventy
80- eighty
90- ninety
100- one hundred
1,000- one thousand
10,000- ten thousand
100,000- one hundred thousand
1,000,000- one million

Q: How was your day?
A: My day was _____.
E.g.: good, great, busy, not bad, not so good, terrible, etc.


How are you? It’s good. – How are you? I’m good.

Singular VS. Plural

  • 1 pen | 2 pens
  • 1 book | 2 books
  • 1 kilogram | 2 kilograms
  • 1 table | 2 tables
  • 1 bottle | 2 bottles
  • 1 phone | phones
  • 1 cup | 2 cups
  • 1 thing | 2 things
  • 1 room | 2 rooms
  • 1 person | 2 people


Gym: /jim/ /dʒɪm/

Pressure: /pre.shur//ˈpreʃ.ɚ/

Kilogram: /kee.lo.gram//ˈkɪl.ə.ɡræm/

Pork: /pɔːrk/

Thin: /θɪn/

Diet: /die.it//ˈdaɪ.ət/

Sweet: /swiːt/

Bread: /bred/

Valentine’s Day: /ˈvæl.ən.taɪnz ˌdeɪ/