F2F Class Notes (Raph)

Working hours (n): 1- the time when you are at work.
E.g.: Q: What are your working hours?
E.g.: A: My working hours are from 9am to 5pm

Choose (v): 1- to decide what you want from two or more thing. 2- 选择 (n: Choice)
E.g.: She had to choose between the two men in her life.
E.g.: Danny, come here and choose your ice cream.
E.g.: It’s a difficult choice to make.
E.g.: It’s your choice.
E.g.: The choice is yours.

Favorite (adj): 1- best liked or most enjoyed.
E.g.: My favorite color is green.
E.g.: Her favorite movie is “What is your name”, which is a Japanese movie.

Season (n): 1- 季节
E.g.: Lina’s favorite season is autumn.

District (n): 1-
E.g.: Lina works in Hongqiao District.

University (n): 1- 大学
E.g.: I didn’t go to university. I only studied Japanese language.

Spring (n): 1- 弹簧
Summer (n): 1- 夏季
Fall/ Autumn (n): 1- 秋/秋
Winter (n): 1- 冬季


Breakfast: /ˈbrek.fəst/

Choose: /tʃuːz/ / chooz/

Choice: /tʃɔɪs//chois/

Month /mʌnθ/