F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Familiar (adj): 1- easy to recognize because you’ve seen or met before. (to be familiar with something = 熟悉某事)
E.g.: There were one or two familiar faces (= people I knew).
E.g.: The street was familiar to me (I knew this street / I had been to or seen this street before).

Breastfeed  (v): 1- When a mother breastfeeds her baby, she feeds it with milk directly from her breasts.
E.g.: Mothers should be allowed to breastfeed wherever they need to.

Toddler (n): 1- a young child, especially one who is learning or has recently learned to walk.
E.g.: Qin’s son is a toddler.
E.g.: Toddlers are a lot of work to take care of.

Coworker (n): 1- a person who works with you.
E.g.: Luke is Qin’s coworker.

Kindergarten (n): 1- 幼儿园

Diaper (n): 1- 尿布


I work with he. – I work with him. / He is my coworker.

I will take my son my son go to learn English in his 28 month. – I will take my son my son to learn English when he turns 28 months.

Fewer or Less

“Fewer” is used for countable nouns, meaning things you can count. “Less” is used  for uncountable nouns, or things you cannot count.

Few people

Few things

Few computers

Few teachers

Few glasses

Few classes

Few countries

Less water

Less time

Less money

Less comfortable

Less happiness

Less fear

Less juice

Less important