F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Immigrate (v): 1- to come to live in a different country.
E.g.: He immigrated with his parents in 1895 and grew up on Long Island.

Minority (n): 1- a group of people in a country or area who are of a different race, or have a different culture or religion to that of most other people there.
E.g.: We want to end discrimination against women and racial minorities.
E.g.: British Asians are the largest minority group among UK staff.

Turnout (n): 1- the number of people who are present at an event, especially the number who go to vote at an election.
E.g.: Good weather on election day should ensure a good turnout.

Apartheid (n): 1- 인종 차별 정책


My company transform me go to China – My company transferred me to China


Immigrate: /ˈɪm.ə.ɡreɪt/

Minority: /maɪˈnɔːr.ə.t̬i/

Turnout: /ˈtɝːn.aʊt/

Childish Gambino: This is America