F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Retainer (n): 1- removable braces you wear after you get your actual braces removed.
E.g.: Elinda will get her braces removed in six months. After that, she will only need to wear her retainer at night.

Resume (v): 1- If an activity resumes, or if you resume it, it starts again after a pause:
E.g.: Normal services will be resumed in the spring.
E.g.: He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking.

Résumé (n): 1- a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs, and sometimes also your personal interests, that you send to an employer when you are trying to get a job. (= CV = Curriculum Vitae)
E.g.: She sent her résumé to 50 companies, but didn’t even get an interview.

Dress up (v): 1- to put on formal clothes for a special occasion. 2- to put on special clothes in order to change your appearance:
E.g.: You don’t need to dress up to go to the mall – jeans and a T-shirt are fine.
E.g.: On Halloween, people dress up in costumes.
E.g.: He dressed up as a cowboy for the party.

Researcher (n): 1- someone whose job is to study a subject carefully, especially in order to discover new information or understand the subject better:
E.g.: She is a leading researcher in the field.

Period (n): 1- an amount of time. 2- the bleeding from a woman’s womb that happens once a month when she is not pregnant:
E.g.: Her work means that she spends long periods away from home.
E.g.: She’d missed a period and was worried.

Issue (n): 1- a subject or problem that people are thinking and talking about.
E.g.: I had an issue at home, that’s why I’m late.
E.g.: The government is trying to deal with the issue of air pollution.

Ignore (v): 1- to not listen or give attention to something / someone on purpose.
E.g.: She can be really annoying but I try to ignore her.
E.g.: It’s okay. Just try to ignore the problem!
E.g.: I smiled at her but she just ignored me.

Owl (n): 1- 猫头鹰

Diabetes (v): 1- 糖尿病


Going to bed late shortens our life, says study
(Source: www.breakingnewsenglish.com/1804/180416-sleeping-late-2.html)

A study says that going to bed late may be bad for us. It could shorten our life. The study was done in the UK. Researchers spent six-and-a-half years looking at 430,000 adults between the ages of 38 and 73. The researchers compared the deaths of people who went to bed early to those who went to bed late. Night owls (people who go to bed late) were 10 per cent more likely to die during the period of the study. The researchers said that night owls were at a higher risk of poor health or an early death compared to early birds (people who sleep and wake up early).

The researchers said working hours should change to reduce the risks for night owls. A researcher said: “This is a public health issue that can no longer be ignored.” He said night owls should start and finish work later in the day so they could sleep longer in the morning. He said night owls were more likely to suffer from mental problems, diabetes, and breathing problems. They were also more likely to smoke, drink alcohol and take drugs. Researchers also said different sleeping patterns at weekends could increase the chances of health problems for night owls.


Retainer: /rɪˈteɪ.nɚ/

Propose: /prəˈpoʊz/

Proposal: /prəˈpoʊ.zəl/

Props: /prɑːps/


Résumé: /ˈrez.ə.meɪ/

Maintain:  /meɪnˈteɪn/

Proficient: /prəˈfɪʃ.ənt/

Merchandising: /ˈmɝː.tʃən.daɪ.zɪŋ/

Logistics: /ləˈdʒɪs.tɪks/

Illustrator: /ˈɪl.ə.streɪ.t̬ɚ/

Researcher: /rɪˈsɜːtʃər/

Owl: /aʊl/