F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Closet (n): 1- the place where you put your clothes in your bedroom.
E.g.: Prince cleaned her closet this weekend.

Accompany (v): 1- to go with someone.
E.g.: She accompanied him to the hospital.
E.g.: Will you accompany me to the airport tomorrow?

Forbidden (adj): 1-  not allowed.
E.g.:Smoking is forbidden in the cinema.

Spectacular (adj): 1- amazing, or very exciting to look at.
E.g.: The view from the top of the mountain was spectacular.
E.g.: There was a spectacular sunset last night.

Sth doesn’t count: 1-Use this when you’re counting or comparing things (like when you’re competing with a friend), and one of the items doesn’t fit the category. 2- You can also say that something doesn’t fit into a category with the phrase “___ doesn’t count as ___”:
A: I’ve worked in the film industry too.
B: You mean that job you had at the production company? That doesn’t count – you only worked there for three months!
E.g.: Golf doesn’t count as a sport. It’s too slow.

Forbidden City (n): 1- 紫禁城


My many friends went to Yunnan province. – Many of my friends have been to Yunnan province.


Room: /ruːm/


Chase: /tʃeɪs/

Number: /ˈnʌm.bɚ/

Numerous: /ˈnuː.mə.rəs/