F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Nail Polish (n): 1- a colored liquid that is painted on fingernails or toenails.
E.g.: Look at this beautiful nail polish I just got! Do you like it?

Manicure (n): 1- a treatment for the hands that involves making the skin feel softer and making the nails look better by cutting, smoothing, and painting them.
Pedicure (n): 1- a beauty treatment for the feet that involves cutting and sometimes painting the nails, and massaging (= rubbing) the skin or making it feel softer.
E.g.: I want to go get my hair done and get a manicure and a pedicure.

Recommendation (n): 1- a suggestion that something is good or suitable for a particular purpose or job:
E.g.: I bought this computer on John’s recommendation (= because John told me that it was good).
E.g.: I got the job on Sam’s recommendation (= because she told her employers that I was suitable for the job).

Incredible (n): 1- extremely good.
E.g.: Yeah, it was an incredible performance.
E.g.: What an incredible motorbike!

Address (v): 1-  to speak or write to someone. 2- to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem.
E.g.: The president addressed the crowd with a warm speech.
E.g.: He likes to be addressed as “Sir” or “Mr Partridge”.
E.g.: The issue of funding has yet to be addressed. (= they still need to deal with it)
E.g.: They have failed to address the problem.

Project (v): 1-  to calculate an amount or number expected in the future from information already known. 2- to throw or direct something forwards, with force. 3- to cause a film, image, or light to appear on a screen or other surface. 4- to wrongly imagine that someone else is feeling a particular emotion or desire when in fact it is you who feels this way. 5- If you project a particular quality, that quality is what most people notice about you.
E.g.: Government spending is projected to rise by 3% next year.
E.g.: 90 percent of the projected missiles (导弹) will hit their target.
E.g.: The movie was projected on a large screen built in the middle of the square for the event.
E.g.: I suspect he’s projecting his fears onto you.
E.g.: Recently the president has sought (past tense of “seek”) to project a much stronger image.

Cherry Blossom (n): 1- 樱花

Cable Car (n): 1- 缆车


(Original – Edited)

Will it hurt the glass? – Will it damage the glass?

It’s not good for your healthy. – It’s not good for your health.

I had a business trip go there. – I went there on a business trip.


Natural: /ˈnætʃ.ɚ.əl/

Breathe: /briːð/

Breath: /breθ/

Manicure: /ˈmæn.ə.kjʊr/

Pedicure: /ˈped.ɪ.kjʊr/

Recommendation: /ˌrek.ə.menˈdeɪ.ʃən/

Permit (n): /ˈpɝː.mɪt/

Permit (v): /pɚˈmɪt/

Project (n): /ˈprɑː.dʒekt/

Project (v): /prəˈdʒekt/

Address (n): /ˈæd.res/

Address (v): /əˈdres/