F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Own (v): 1- to have something
E.g.: We own two houses.
E.g.: I’ve never owned a car in my life.

Environment (n): 1- the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live.
E.g.: We need to make more to protect the environment from pollution.

Delicate (adj): 1-  something that you need to be careful with, especially because it breaks or gets damaged easily.
E.g.: Peaches have delicate skins.
E.g.: Delicate plants need to be kept in a greenhouse (温室) during the winter.

Bump (v): 1- to hit something accidentally.
E.g.: She bumped into his desk, and his food fell on the floor.


Vase: /veɪs/

Pitcher: /ˈpɪtʃ.ɚ/

Steak: /steɪk/

Delicate: /ˈdel.ə.kət/

Accidentally: /ˌæk.səˈden.t̬əl.i/