F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Resign (v): 1-  to give up a job or position by telling your employer that you are leaving:
E.g.: He resigned from the company in order to take a more challenging job.
E.g.: She resigned as director. / She resigned the directorship.

Register (v): 1- to put information, especially your name, into an official list or record:
E.g.: I registered the car in my name.
E.g.: Within two weeks of arrival all foreigners had to register with the local police.
E.g.: Students have to register for the new course by the end of April.

Project (n): 1- a piece of planned work or an activity that is finished over a period of time and intended to achieve a particular purpose:
She’s part of a very interesting scientific research project.
Her latest project is a film based on the life of a 19th-century music hall star.
My next project is decorating the kitchen.

Project (v): 1- to calculate an amount or number expected in the future from information already known. (n: Projection)
E.g.: Government spending is projected to rise by three percent next year.
E.g.: The company has failed to achieve last year’s sales projections by 30 percent.

Live (v): 1-  (to continue) to be alive or have life. 2- to have your home somewhere. 3- to spend your life in a particular way. 4- to stay alive, especially by getting enough money to pay for food, a place to stay, clothing, etc. 5- to have an interesting life:
E.g.: He only lived a few days after the accident.
E.g.: Where do you live? I live in Jing’An District, Shanghai.
E.g.: After a while you get used to living alone.
E.g.: He only agreed to marry her so he could live off her (money).
E.g.: I want to live a little before I settle down.

Live (adj/adv): 1- having life. 2- (of a performance) broadcast, recorded, or seen while it is happening.
E.g.: There was a tank of live lobsters in the restaurant.
E.g.: This evening there will be a live broadcast (广播) of the debate.
E.g.: I’ve got two tickets to see them perform live (adv).


She’s getting a little angry because I’m going to here for a class. – She’s getting a little angry because I’m coming here for a class. 


Resign: /rɪˈzaɪn/

Register: /ˈredʒ.ə.stɚ/

Backache: /ˈbæk.eɪk/

Show: /ʃoʊ/

Conditioner: /kənˈdɪʃ.ən.ɚ/

Soothe:  /suːð/

Project (n): /ˈprɑː.dʒekt/

Project (v): /prəˈdʒekt/

Live (v): /lɪv/

Live (adj/adv):  /laɪv/