F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Forbidden (adj): 1- not allowed, especially by law.
E.g.: Since March 2017, smoking indoors is forbidden in Shanghai.
E.g.: The use of cameras in this museum is forbidden.
E.g.: The sale of alcohol is forbidden here.

Nasty (adj): 1- bad or very unpleasant.
E.g.: There’s a nasty smell in here.
E.g.: He had a nasty cut above the eye.
E.g.: She has a nasty habit of picking on people in meetings.

Layover (n): 1- a short stay in a place that you make while you are on a longer journey to somewhere else.
E.g.: We had a four-hour layover in Chicago.

Ancestor (n): 1- a person related to you who lived a long time ago.
E.g.: There were portraits of his ancestors on the walls of the room.

Descendant (n): 1- a person who is related to you and who lives after you, such as your child or grandchild.
E.g.: He has no descendants.
E.g.: They say that they are descendants of a French king.

Way (n): 1- a distance or a period of time. 2- really, very.
E.g.: We walked a long way yesterday.
E.g.: The holiday seems like it’s a long way off.
E.g.: They still have a ways to go.
E.g.: He was way better than her. He should have won!

Distance (n): 1- the amount of space between two places; how far something is.
E.g.: What’s the distance between Madrid and Barcelona / from Madrid to Barcelona?
E.g.: He travels quite a distance (= a long way) to work every day.
E.g.: Does she live within walking distance of her parents?

Clay (n): 1- 粘土

Cambodia (n): 1- 柬埔寨

Passport (n): 1- 护照

The Forbidden City (n): 1- 紫禁城


Go back my hometown with my family together celebrate the holiday. – I will go back to my hometown with my family

How long you take from Shanghai to Europe. – How long does it take to go from Shanghai to Europe?

together celebrate the holiday. 

Raph is a 30 years old man. – Raph is a 30-year-old man. / Raph is a man who is 30 years old. 


Forbidden: /fɚˈbɪd.ən/

Law: /lɑː/

Cambodia: /kæmˈboʊ.di.ə/

Nasty: /ˈnæs.ti/

Layover: /ˈleɪˌoʊ.vɚ/

Ascend: /əˈsend/

Descend: /dɪˈsend/

Mountain:  /ˈmaʊn.tən/