F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Snow (n): 1- the small, soft, white pieces of ice that sometimes fall from the sky when it is cold, or the white layer on the ground and other surfaces that it forms. 2- 雪
E.g.: Outside the snow began to fall.
E.g.: Let’s go and play in the snow!

Depart (v): 1- to go away or leave, especially on a trip,
E.g.: The plane departs at 6 a.m.
E.g.: The train for Beijing departs from Hongqiao Railway Station.

Arrive (v): 1- to reach a place, especially at the end of a trip.
E.g.: What time will your train arrive?
E.g.: It was dark by the time we arrived at the station.

Take off (v): 1-  If an airplane, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly.
E.g.: The plane took off at 8.30 a.m.

Land (v): 1- to (cause to) arrive on the ground after moving down through the air.
E.g.: We should land in Madrid at 7 a.m.
E.g.: You can land a plane on water in an emergency (急).

Stairs (n): 1- a set of steps that lead from one level to another, esp. in a building. 2- 楼梯
E.g.: Her office is at the top of the stairs.
E.g.: Climb up the stairs and turn right.

Fast (adj): 1- quick.
E.g.: He runs very fast.
Eg.: That car is super fast.

Magazine (n): 1-  type of thin book with large pages and a paper cover that contains articles and photographs and is published every week or month. 2- 杂志
She has written articles for several women’s magazines.

Cover (n): 1- 杂志封面

Chef (n): 1- 厨师

Actor (man) / Actress (woman) (n): 1- 演员

Politician (n): 1- 政治家

List (n): 1- 名单

Ladder (n): 1- 阶梯


Whats in a Magazine?

Magazines are fun to read! There is usually someone famous on the cover. Sometimes it is an actress, or maybe a politician. Sometimes it can even be a chef. You can flip through the pages of a magazine and read through the various interesting stories. The stories are usually about important events. Some are sad, some are happy.


Outside have a small snow. – There’s a little bit of snow outside. / It’s snowing a little bit. 


Emergency:  /ɪˈmɝː.dʒən.si/

Arrive: /əˈraɪv/

Agent: /ˈeɪ.dʒənt/

Pregnancy: /ˈpreɡ.nən.si/

Test: /test/

Climb: /klaɪm/

Stairs: /steərz/

Thick: /θɪk/

Sick: /sɪk/

Magazine: /ˌmæɡ.əˈziːn/

Sad: /sæd/