F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Environment (n): 1- the conditions that you live or work in and the way that they influence how you feel or how effectively you can work.
E.g.: Having an environment that allows you to speak often is very important when learning a new language.
E.g.: The office is quite bright and airy – it’s a pleasant working environment.
E.g.: As a parent you try to create a stable home environment.

Lyrics (n): 1- the words in a song.
E.g.: Miumiu is learning the lyrics to Adele’s “Someone Like You”.
E.g.: I love this song, but I don’t really know the lyrics to it.

Confidence (n): 1- the quality of being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future. (adj: Confident)
E.g.: He has the confidence to walk into a room of strangers (= people you don’t know) and start talking to them.
E.g.: She doesn’t have a lot of confidence.
E.g.: I have complete confidence in her. She’ll be perfect for the job.
E.g.: She’s a very confident woman.
E.g.: He needs to become more confident in order to succeed.


I don’t have remember. – I don’t remember / I have forgotten. / I forgot.

I have a long time not speak. – I don’t speak English very often.

I will having a class everyday. – I will have a class everyday.

It’s important to I can speak with them. – It’s important to me to be able to speak with them. 

The song is beautiful, but I don’t understand it mean. – The song is beautiful, but I don’t understand what it means. / but I don’t understand the lyrics.


Stain: /steɪn/

Backyard: /ˌbækˈjɑːrd/

Environment: /ɪnˈvaɪ.rən.mənt/