F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Litter box (n): 1- a box or tray containing granular absorbent material into which a cat can pee and poop.
E.g.: We need to clean Mimi’s litter box. It stinks!

Flat Tyre (n): 1- a tyre that does not have any or enough air in it.
E.g.: I’m sorry I’m late. I got a flat tyre on my way here.

Certification (n): 1- proof or a document proving that someone is qualified for a particular job, or that something is of good quality.
E.g.: Adult workers are increasingly going back to school for a degree or certification to improve their job opportunities.
E.g.: I’m trying to get a certification to be a yoga teacher.

Instructor (n): 1-  a person whose job is to teach people a practical skill:
E.g.: He works as a yoga instructor at the local gym.

Allergy (n): 1- a condition that makes a person become sick or develop skin or breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or been near certain substances. 2- 过敏 (adj: Allergic)
E.g.: I have no food allergies.
E.g.: I’m allergic to cat hair.


(Original – Edited)

I’m not good because it’s not luckily. – I’m not really well because I’ve been a bit unlucky lately. 

My another two cats. – My other two cats.

I’m sorry for hear that. – I’m sorry to hear that.

I can’t to teach anyone else. – I can’t teach other people.

It’s not responsibility. – It’s not responsible. / It’s irresponsible.


Acupuncture: /ˈæk.jə.pʌŋk.tʃɚ/

Climb: /klaɪm/

Allergy: /ˈæl.ɚ.dʒi/

Allergic: /əˈlɝː.dʒɪk/

October: /ɑːkˈtoʊ.bɚ/