F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Uprising (n): 1- an act of opposition, sometimes using violence, by many people in one area of a country against those who are in power.
E.g.: Following a determined resistance in the east, there was eventually a popular uprising in the capital.

Estimate (n): 1- a guess of what the size, value, amount, cost, etc. of something might be:
E.g.: The number of people who applied for the course was 120 compared with an initial estimate of between 50 and 100.
E.g.: We’ll accept the lowest of three estimates for the building work.

Rational (adj): 1- based on clear thought and reason:
E.g.: There must be some rational explanation for what happened.
E.g.: He was too upset to be rational.

Fry / Fried (v): 1- 油煎

City Council (n): 1- 市议会

Cherry Blossom (n): 1- 樱花

1.200 = one thousand two hundred / twelve thousand
12.000 = twelve thousand
12.000.000 = twelve million = twelve billion


Next month I’m going to the South Korea and the Gwangju. – Next month I’m going to South Korea and Gwangju.

You haven’t many time to do sports. – You don’t have a lot of time to do sports.

I want a job to communicate with each other face to face. – I want a job that requires / allows me to communicate with people.


Period: /ˈpɪr.i.əd/

UNESCO: /juːˈnes.koʊ/

Monotonous: /məˈnɑː.t̬ən.əs/

Creativity: /ˌkri·eɪˈtɪv·ɪ·t̬i/