F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Surprise (n): 1- an unexpected event.
E.g.: Don’t tell Anne we’ve arranged a party for her – I want it to be a surprise.
E.g.: It was a wonderful/nasty surprise to get home and find the letter.
E.g.: Last night’s heavy snow came as a complete surprise.

Amaze (v): 1- to cause someone to be extremely surprised.
E.g.: I was amazed by how well he looked.
E.g.: You’ve done all your homework in an hour? You amaze me.

Amazed (adj): 1-  extremely surprised.
E.g.: She was amazed at how calm she felt after the accident.
E.g.: I was absolutely amazed when I heard he’d been promoted.

Astonished (adj): 1-  extremely surprised.
E.g.: I was astonished to see her there.
E.g.: They looked astonished when I announced I was pregnant.
E.g.: The doctors were astonished at the speed of her recovery.

Astonishing (adj): 1- very surprising.
E.g.: Her first novel enjoyed an astonishing success.
E.g.: It’s astonishing to think that only a few years ago he was a completely unknown actor.

Portrait (n): 1- a painting, photograph, drawing, etc. of a person or a group of people.
E.g.: He hired a photographer to take a portrait of the family.
E.g.: Most of his paintings are portraits of former lovers.


Amazed: /əˈmeɪzd/

Astonished: /əˈstɑː.nɪʃt/

Accident: /ˈæk.sɪ.dənt/

Promote: /prəˈmoʊt/

Portrait: /ˈpɔːr.trɪt/

Soon: /suːn/

Minute: /ˈmɪn.ɪt/

Wrong: /rɑːŋ/