F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Familiar (adj): 1- easy to recognize because of being seen, met, heard, etc. before.
E.g.: There were one or two familiar faces (= people I knew).
E.g.: The house looked strangely familiar, though she knew she’d never been there before.
E.g.: The street was familiar to me.
E.g.: You look familiar. Have we met before?
E.g.: I’m not familiar with any of his works, but I heard he’s great.

Perfume / Cologne (n): 1- a liquid with a pleasant smell, usually made from oils taken from flowers or spices and often used on the skin:
E.g.: What perfume are you wearing?
E.g.: He wears way too much cologne!

Reunion (n): 1- a social event for a group of people who have not seen each other for a long time:
E.g.: We’re having a family reunion next week.
E.g.: The college has an annual reunion for former students.

Dialect (n): 1- a form of a language that people speak in a particular part of a country, containing some different words and grammar, etc.:
E.g.: She speaks both the national language and two regional dialects.
E.g.: Most Chinese people speak a local dialect, in addition to Mandarin.
E.g.: The book is written in a northern dialect.

Humble (adj): 1- not proud or not believing that you are important:
E.g.: He’s very humble about his success.
E.g.: Please accept our humble apologies for the error.
E.g.: In my humble opinion (= I want to emphasize that I think that) we should never have bought the car in the first place.

Mandarin (n): 1- 普通话


This word is easy to read it. – This word is easy to read.

From when I came here at first. – Since the first time I came here. 

My most classmates they couldn’t understand my Mandarin well. – Most of my classmates couldn’t understand my Mandarin very well.

Boy baby / Girl baby. – Baby boy / Baby girl.


Familiar: /fəˈmɪl.i.jɚ/


Cologne: /kəˈloʊn/

Weren’t: /wɝːnt/


Mandarin: /ˈmæn.dɚ.ɪn/