F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Cruel (adj): 1-  extremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain to people or animals intentionally:
E.g.: Don’t tease him about his weight – it’s cruel.
E.g.: Children can be very cruel to each other.

Cruelty (n): 1- cruel behavior or a cruel action.
E.g.: The farmer was accused of cruelty to animals.

Introvert (n): 1- someone who prefers to be alone and is often seen as quiet or shy. 2- 性格内向
E.g.: As an introvert, it wasn’t easy for him to make friends.

Extrovert (n): 1- a person who enjoys being with other people. 2- 个性外向的
Most sales people are extroverts.

Intuition (n): 1- (knowledge from) an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts:
E.g.: Often there’s no clear evidence one way or the other and you just have to base your judgment on intuition.
E.g.: I can’t explain how I knew – I just had an intuition that you’d been involved in an accident.

Cockroach (n): 1- 蟑螂


She remembers me of my high school English teacher. – She reminds me of my high school English teacher. 

I like all kinds of frogs no! – I dislike / hate all kinds of frogs.


Cruel: /ˈkruː.əl/

Cruelty: /ˈkruː.əl.t̬i/

Introvert: /ˈɪn.trə.vɝːt/

Extrovert: /ˈek.strə.vɝːt/

Dissect: /daɪˈsekt/ /dɪˈsekt/

Intuition: /ˌɪn.tuːˈɪʃ.ən/

Cockroach: /ˈkɑːk.roʊtʃ/

16 Personalities