F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Development (n): 1- the process in which someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced.
E.g.: The documentary was about the development of popular music in the country.
E.g.: The region suffers from underdevelopment (= having too little/much industry).

Documentary (n): 1- a film or television show that gives facts and information about a subject.
E.g.: The documentary took a fresh look at the life of Darwin.
E.g.: They showed a documentary about animal communication.

Punishment (n): 1- something that you need to do or go through because you did something wrong. (v: Punish)
E.g.: Obviously what she did was wrong, but I think the punishment was too severe.
E.g.: Her parents punished her by not letting her watch TV for a week.

First Lady (n): 1- a woman who is married to the president.
E.g.: The first lady is promoting of a very important project on female education.

Road trip (n): 1- a long trip or holiday taken by car.
E.g.: This summer we’re going on a road trip around Canada.

Border (n): 1- the line that divides one country from another:
E.g.: Were you stopped at the border?
E.g.: The train crosses the border between France and Spain.

Russia (n): 1-  俄国

Brazil (n): 1- 巴西

Politics (n): 1- 政治

North Korea (n): 1- 北朝鲜


The people can’t feeling happy. – The people can’t feel happy.

War is not good for everybody. – War is not good for anybody. 

People can’t speak freedom. – People can’t speak freely.

You have to careful. – You have to be careful.

I went to there last year. – I went there last year. 


Tired: /taɪrd/

Culture: /ˈkʌl.tʃɚ/

Useful: /ˈjuːs.fəl/

Russia: /ˈrʌʃ.ə/

Russian: /ˈrʌʃ.ən/

Supreme: /suːˈpriːm/

Insurance: /ɪnˈʃɜ.r.əns/

Previous: /ˈpriː.vi.əs/

Current: /ˈkɝː.ənt/