F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Public (adj): 1- something that is available for everyone to use. 2- A public place is one where a lot of people are:
E.g.: He takes the public bus to go to work everyday.
E.g.: It’s too public here – let’s go back to my room to talk.

Private (adj): 1- only for one person or group and not for everyone.
E.g.: She has a small office that is used for private discussions.
E.g.: I caught him looking through my private papers.

Teenager (n): 1-  a young person between 13 and 19 years old.
E.g.: The magazine is aimed at teenagers and young adults.

Previous (adj): 1- happening or existing before something or someone else:
E.g.: He has two daughters from a previous marriage.
E.g.: Her previous secretary (秘书) only worked here for a month.

Marriage (n): 1- a legally accepted relationship between two people in which they live together, or the official ceremony that results in this.
2- 婚姻
E.g.: They had a long and happy marriage.
E.g.: She went to live in another state after the break-up of her marriage.
E.g.: She has two daughters by her first marriage.

Divorce (n): 1- an official or legal process to end a marriage. 2- 离婚
E.g.: The last I heard they were getting a divorce.
E.g.: Ellie wants a divorce.
E.g.: 50% of marriages end in divorce.

Breakup (n/v): 1– the end of a relationship. 2- 分手
She wants to break up with her boyfriend.

Q: How was your day:
A: It was ______
E.g.: good, great, busy, not busy, not so good, not so bad, etc.


Private: /ˈpraɪ.vət/

Public: /ˈpʌb.lɪk/

Really: /ˈriː.ə.li/

Teenager: /ˈtiːnˌeɪ.dʒɚ/

Previous: /ˈpriː.vi.əs/

Marriage: /ˈmer.ɪdʒ/