F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Quote (v/n): 1- to repeat the words that someone else has said or written:
E.g.: He’s always quoting from the Bible.
E.g.: He tattooed a Shakespeare quote on his back.

Puke (v): 1- to vomit. 2- 呕吐
E.g.: The baby puked all down my shirt.
E.g.: She puked her dinner up again.

Mute (adj/n): 1- silent or not speaking. 2- unable to speak. 3- a mute button – a button on an electronic device that makes it silent.
E.g.: I just sat there, mute, as my boss screamed at me.
E.g.: He’s been mute since he was born.
E.g.: Her phone rang, so she pressed the mute button on the TV remote and answered it.

Nude (adj): 1- naked; not wearing any clothes.
E.g.: She once posed nude for a magazine.
E.g.: Nude sunbathing is only allowed on certain beaches.

Railway (n): 1- the metal tracks on which trains run. 2- the system of tracks, stations, trains, etc.
E.g.: We live close to the railway line.
E.g.: She travelled across Siberia (西伯利亚 – a place in Russia) on the Trans-Siberian railway.
E.g.: We took the subway to Hongqiao Railway Station.

Priority (n): 1- something that is very important and must be dealt with before other things:
E.g.: My first/top priority is to find somewhere to live.

Prioritize (v): 1- to decide which of a group of things are the most important so that you can deal with them first:
E.g.: You must learn to prioritize your work.
E.g.: When you have too many tasks at work, you need to learn to prioritize and make sure the most important things get done.


Three piece flesh. – Three pieces of flesh.

It’s too smell not good. – It’s too smelly. / It smells really bad.

Is she name Alice? – Is her name Alice? / Is she named Alice?


Anesthetic: /ˌæn.əsˈθet.ɪk/

Sebaceous: /sɪˈbeɪ.ʃəs/

Quote:  /kwoʊt/

Surgery: /ˈsɝː.dʒər.i/

Mute:  /mjuːt/

Nude: /nuːd/

Railway:  /ˈreɪl.weɪ/

Priority: /praɪˈɔːr.ə.t̬i/

Prioritize: /praɪˈɔːr.ə.taɪz/