F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Burn (v): 1-to be hurt, damaged, or destroyed by fire or by something very hot, or to cause this to happen
E.g.: He was badly burned in the fire.
E.g.: She burned his old love letters.
E.g.: Crystal burned her hand on a hot soup pot.

Correct (adj): 1- right.(adv: Correctly)( Incorrect)
E.g.: “Is that the correct spelling?” “I don’t know – look it up in a dictionary.”
E.g.: It’s not correct to describe them as “students”.
E.g.: I don’t know how to pronounce this word correctly.
E.g.: Your answer is incorrect.

Certification (n): 1- proof or a document proving that someone is qualified for a particular job, or that something is of good quality.
E.g.: Adult workers are increasingly going back to school for a degree or certification to improve their job opportunities.
E.g.: He’s trying to get an English language certification in order to get a job at an international company.

Repay (v): 1- to pay back or to reward someone or something.
E.g.: He had to sell his car to repay the bank loan.
E.g.: She repaid the loan to her mother.

Loan (n): 1- an amount of money that is borrowed, often from a bank, and has to be paid back. 2- 贷款
E.g.: She’s trying to get a $50,000 loan to start her own business.
E.g.: We could apply for a loan to buy a car.


We talk about how to get a job in foreigner’s company. – We talked about how to get a job at a foreign company.


Eye: //

Introduce: /ˌɪn.trəˈduːs/

Introduction: /ˌɪn.trəˈdʌk.ʃən/

Iodine: /ˈaɪ.ə.diːn/

Glove: /ɡlʌv/

Resumé: /ˈrez.ə.meɪ/

Purple: /ˈpɝː.pəl/

Phonetics: /foʊˈnet̬.ɪks/

Correctly: /kəˈrekt.li/

Certification: /ˌsɜr·t̬ə·fɪˈkeɪ·ʃən/

Suggestion: /səˈdʒes.tʃən/
Reply: /rɪˈplaɪ/
Repay: /rɪˈpeɪ/