F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Leaf (n): 1- one of the flat, usually green parts of a plant that are joined at one end to the stem or branch. (pl: Leaves)
E.g.: He was raking up leaves in his garden.

Understandable (adj): 1- easy to understand.
E.g.: You have to put the facts into a form that’s understandable to everyone.


Adverb = a word that describes a verb, adjective or another adverb and answers one of the following questions:

  • How: easily, happily, loudly, quickly, well, slowly, sadly, etc..
  • How often: never, always, every day,  frequently, seldom, often, sometimes..
  • When: now, after, before, early, yesterday, today, soon, since, etc..
  • Where: here, there, home, inside, near, outside, away, everywhere, etc..

Irregular Adverbs

Adjective Adverb
good well
fast fast
hard hard
late late
early early
daily daily
straight straight
wrong wrong, wrongly

Most bright. – Brightest

That’s why I feel safety here. – That’s why I feel safe here. 

I was a little bit confusing. – I was a bit confused.

She was very unpolite. – She was very impolite.


Understandable: /ˌʌn.dɚˈstæn.də.bəl/

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