F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Self-esteem (n): 1- belief and confidence in your own ability and value.
E.g.: The compliments she received after the presentation boosted her self-esteem.
E.g.: She suffers from low self-esteem and it prevents her from pursuing her goals.

Biotech / Biotechnology (n): 1- the use of living things, especially cells and bacteria, in industrial processes:
E.g.: He works as a marketing manager for a biotech company

Eclipse (n): 1- an occasion when the sun disappears from view, either completely or partly, while the moon is moving between it and the earth, or when the moon becomes darker while the shadow of the earth moves over it.
E.g.: On Wednesday there will be a partial lunar eclipse.
E.g.: There’s a total solar eclipse happening today.


People who are up 65 – People who are over 65.

One family can have 2 child. – One family can have 2 children.



Biotech: /ˈbaɪ.oʊ.tek/

Eclipse: /ɪˈklɪps/

Smile: /smaɪl/

Smell: /smel/

Specific: /spəˈsɪf.ɪk/