F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Stress (n): 1- great worry caused by a difficult situation, or something that causes this condition. 2- 压力g
E.g.: Her job causes a lot of stress.
E.g.: People under a lot of stress may experience headaches, pain, and sleeping difficulties.
E.g.: Yoga is a very good for fighting stress.

Stressful (adj): 1- making you feel worried and nervous:
E.g.: She has a very stressful job.
E.g.: I just had a very stressful day.

Meaningful (adj): 1- important or valuable.
E.g.: She wants to have a more meaningful job.
E.g.: I find it difficult to find meaningful friendships in this city.


I feel boring – I feel bored. / My job is boring.


Past Tense Ending Sounds:

-t Sound:
E.g.: worked, danced, talked, typed, fixed, kissed, helped, looked, laughed, etc.

-d Sound:
E.g.: listened, played, cleaned, offered, called, loved, used, amazed, rubbed, claimed, damaged, etc.

-id Sound:
E.g.: waited, shouted, wanted, needed, pleaded, planted, started, decided, etc.

Pen: /pen/

Pain: /peɪn/

Respect:  /rɪˈspekt/

Woman: /ˈwʊm.ən/ 

Women: /ˈwɪmɪn/

Chef: /shef/