F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Publicity (n): 1– the activity of making certain that someone or something attracts a lot of interest or attention from many people, or the attention received as a result of this activity.
E.g.: He attracted a lot of bad publicity with his speech about unmarried mothers.
E.g.: Her first novel was published last year in a blaze of (= with a lot of) publicity.
E.g.: We have planned an exciting publicity campaign with our advertisers.
E.g.: People say that Michael Jackson and Lisa Marie Presley’s marriage was just for publicity.

Bizarre (adj): 1- very strange and unusual:
E.g.: This is a bizarre situation
E.g.: His bizarre behavior was inexcusable.
E.g.: What she was saying was rather bizarre.
E.g.: A bizarre thought leaped into his mind.

Inexcusable (adj): 1- (of behavior) too bad to be accepted.
E.g.: His drunken outbursts during the mayor’s (市长) speech were inexcusable.
E.g.: It’s inexcusable that such young children were left in the house alone.

Run over someone (v): 1- to hit and drive over someone or something with a vehicle.
E.g.: A driver ran over a cyclist on Main Street today.

Paparazzi (n): 1- ​the photographers who follow famous people everywhere they go in order to take photographs of them for newspapers and magazines.
E.g.: The paparazzi followed her around all day.


Publicity: /pʌbˈlɪs.ə.t̬i/

Bizarre: /bəˈzɑːr/

Inexcusable: /ˌɪn.ɪkˈskjuː.zə.bəl/

Paparazzi: /ˌpɑː.pɑːˈrɑːt.si/