F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Domestic Violence (n): 1- the situation in which someone you live with attacks you and tries to hurt you:
E.g.: Victims of domestic violence rarely go to the police.

Inferior (adj): 1- not good, or not as good as someone or something else. ( Superior)
E.g.: These products are inferior to those we bought last year.

Subsidize (v): 1- to pay part of the cost of something.
E.g.: £50 would help to subsidize the training of an unemployed teenager.
E.g.: The refugees live in subsidized housing provided by the authorities.
E.g.: All private universities are subsidized by the government.

Prenatal (adj): 1- relating to the medical care given to pregnant women before their babies are born:
E.g.: Prenatal care should be subsidized by the government.

Pharmaceutical Industry (n): 1- 制药业


Sexism: /ˈsek.sɪ.zəm/

Sexist: /ˈsek.sɪst/

Subsidize: /ˈsʌb.sə.daɪz/

Prenatal: /ˌpriːˈneɪ.t̬əl/