F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Debit (v): 1- to take money out of an account or keep a record of this. 2- a debit card is a bank card that, when used, debits money from your account immediately.
E.g.: The bank debited my account.
E.g.: Foreigners are not allowed to have Chinese credit cards, so Raph only has a debit card.

Debt (n): 1- something, especially money, that is owed to someone else, or the state of owing something:
E.g.: He managed to pay off his debts in two years.

Objectify (v): 1- to treat a person like a tool or toy, as if they had no feelings, opinions, or rights of their own:
E.g.: She denied that the magazine objectified women.

Formality (n): 1- something that has to be done but has no real importance.
E.g.: You’ll have to sign the visitors’ book, but it’s just a formality.


I don’t familiar with them. – I’m not familiar with them.


Debit: /ˈdeb.ɪt/

Debt: /det/