F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Intend (n): 1- to have as a plan or purpose.
E.g.: We intend to go to Australia next year.
E.g.: I don’t think she intended me to hear the remark.

Fundraising  (n): 1- the act of collecting or producing money for a particular purpose, especially for a charity.
E.g.: The dinner is a fundraising event for the museum.
E.g.: We are trying to raise funds for the project.

Asset (n): 1- a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person:
E.g.: He’ll be a great asset to the team.
E.g.: Her eyes are her best asset (= most attractive feature).
E.g.: Knowledge of languages is a real asset in this sort of work.

NGO (=Non-Governmental Organization)(n): 1- an organization that tries to achieve social or political change but is not controlled by a government.
E.g.: He used to work as a volunteer for an NGO.


After I’m off my duty – After I get off work / am done with work.


Preparation: /ˌprep.əˈreɪ.ʃən/

Personalized:  /ˈpɝː.sən.əl.aɪz/

Fundraising: /ˈfʌndˌreɪ.zɪŋ/

Asset:  /ˈæs.et/