F2F Class Notes (Raph)


Blob (n): 1-  a fat, round drop, usually of something sticky or thick.
E.g.: He squeezed a big blob of toothpaste onto his toothbrush.

Squeeze (v): 1- to press something together from opposite sides. 2- 挤
E.g.: Squeeze a small amount of toothpaste onto your toothbrush.

Plaque (n): 1- a substance containing bacteria that forms on the surface of teeth. 2- 牙斑.
E.g.: It’s important to get a cleaning at the dentist regularly to avoid plaque.

Circular (n): 1- shaped like a circle.
E.g.: Chinese gardens usually have circular doors called Moon Gates.

Motion (n): 1- the act or process of moving, or a particular action or movement.
E.g.: He made a quick motion with his hands.

Properly (adv): 1- correctly, or in a satisfactory way. 2-  正常
E.g.: My computer is still not working properly.

Dental Floss (n): 1- a type of thread used for cleaning between the teeth
E.g.: We need to use dental floss at least once a day.

Pea (n): 1- 豌豆


I always forgot. – I always forget.


Squeeze: /skwiːz/

Amount:  /əˈmaʊnt/

Toothpaste: /ˈtuːθ.peɪst/

Circular: /ˈsɝː.kjə.lɚ/


Plaque: /plæk/

Properly: /ˈprɑː.pɚ.li/