F2F Class Notes (Phil)

Today we focused on:

discussion about jobs


review vocabulary from today


stressful– feel pressure

being a doctor is stressful.

Military airspace – 

Military– army, navy, Air Force

Turbulance – when a plane shakes because of air flow

Underpaid – salary is low but the job is important

Teachers in China are underpaid.

Overpaid – salary is high but job not important

directors are usually overpaid

Competitive – when a lot of people want to do something for example a job.

To become trainee pilot in china is very competative.

night/day Shift – to work either in daytime or nighttime

Ambition – something you want to do.

when I was younger I wanted to be a teacher.

Job security – your job is safe

government officials in china have a lot of job security.

Bankrupt – when a company or person runs out of money

During the virus a lot of restuarants and bars went bankrupt
