F2F Class Notes (Peter) (H)

Corrections (original – corrected)

Not really now – not really anymore

I talked it with Nemo – I discussed it with Nemo

It’s a tool of social – it’s a social tool

They are released by it (emotions) – they “let loose” (relax)


Go out (verb) – to party

Ex. Even though I’m young, I don’t really like going out because the music hurts my ears.

Sober (adjective) – the opposite of drunk, 清醒

Ex. In America, whenever we go out we make sure that the person who drives us home is sober.

Tolerance (noun) – the ability to drink a lot of alcohol without getting drunk

Ex. If you continue drinking so much, your tolerance will go up.

Sip (noun/verb) – a small amount of a drink

Ex. In order to enjoy wine, you have to sip it slowly.

Tequila (noun) – 龙舌兰酒

Ex. Tequila is only made in Mexico.

Vineyard (noun) – a place that makes wine

Ex. I once drank wine in a vineyard in Argentina.


Homework: write a few sentences about your father: his background, personality, and favorite things.