F2F Class Notes (Peter)


High profile – adjective; attracting attention, famous

Ex. Most of the clients at my advertising company are high profile.

Stubborn – adjective; unwilling to change or negotiate

Ex. Our auto-lubricant client is stubborn and unwilling to accept new ideas.

Wiggle room – noun; space for negotiation

            Ex. Coca-Cola and KFC are the clients that give us the most wiggle-room.

Slimy – adjective; a dishonest kind of person, someone who may take advantage of you

Ex. I prefer to work with the techs in my company because I find the salesmen slimy.

Probation period – noun; a test period when somebody gets a new job

Ex. Unless it’s still your probation period, you generally need to give one month’s notice of quitting your job.

Garlic – noun; a kind of small onion used in cooking

Ex. Shanghainese people sometimes find garlic to be too strong, while northerners tend to use it more.

Sexist – adjective; someone who thinks men are better than women

Ex. A Chinese stereotype is that men in the north are more sexist than men in the south.

Racist – adjective; someone who thinks other races are bad

Ex. A recent Chinese commercial which featured a black man getting thrown into a washing machine was considered to be racist and was removed from publications.

Male Chauvinism – noun; the belief that men are superior, 大男子主义

Ex. My ex-boyfriend from Beijing was so chauvinistic that he wouldn’t even go in the kitchen.