F2F Class Notes (Nick) [W] ***

Next Class Focus

Review the homework below, which we did not have time to correct last class.


Scrape – when something rough or sharp removes a layer of something
e.g. I was running and fell on the sidewalk and scraped my knee (I lost some of my skin, and maybe I’m even bleeding, but there isn’t a hole in my skin)
Layer – a thin piece of something, but not all; something flat; imagine many pieces of paper in a stack, or a tall wedding cake, or an onion

Xenophobia – 种族差距 (fear of the foreigners)
e.g. Unfortunately, xenophobia is playing a real part in American and European politics right now.

Prejudice – 偏见, irrational dislike, usually for a type of person; judging someone based upon what groups they are a part of instead of who they are as a person
e.g. You shouldn’t let your prejudices get in the way of meeting new people (don’t judge them beforehand, or because of how they look)

Paranoid – 妄想症, making up dangers that don’t exist
e.g. He is really paranoid about being killed. He always has to turn on the lights before entering a room.

Suspicious – 怀疑, one who suspects someone else is doing something bad
e.g. I’m suspicious of your motivations!

Icthyophobia – fear of fish

Cleaver – a knife with a large, square blade

Shamana person who communicates with both natural and supernatural beings, using magic to cure illness, foretell the future, control spiritual forces, etc.
Medium – a person through whom the spirits of the dead can contact the living.

Writing exercise

When I was in the first year of my high school, I had to choose which subjects that I would like to continue studying. I did prefer History and Politics, but my family disagreed with me. There is a Chinese proverb saying if you can study Math, Physics and Chemistry well, then you could go wherever you want without any afraid. Finally I decided to learn Math and those annoying subjects. I couldn’t involve in studying because I didn’t like them at all. So it made me did pretty bad in my university entrance exam. After the exam, my mom said that she could find some friends and let me to study law or finance in Heilongjiang university, I had to say becoming a lawyer was my dream but I didn’t want to achieve my dream by this way. And the fee is pretty expensive.