F2F Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Come to light – for some information to become available for people to know, especially information that was previously secret or hidden
e.g. It has come to light that the government lost $2 million.


I am lazy to study in that way – I am too lazy to study in that way

The colon – “:” is used to introduce a list, or to give an example of something you mentioned

While – expresses two things:
1. Two things are happening at the same time
2. The first action is background, and the second is the important event which interrupts the first
e.g. While I was taking my morning walk, I saw someone get hit by a car!
e.g. While I was back in the US, I ate at all my favorite restaurants.

Writing exercise

This movie is about five college students go to a cabin to spend their weekends,after daytime ended, something special and weird happens. They are monitored by a mysterious group which are going to kill them by certain order ,Athlete,Scholar,Fool,Virgin.While at the end of the film it comes that these five people are killed by wrong order. The amazing part of this movie is not only about the monsters and walking deads but also is its metaphor that generally what we see may be only apperance.

This movie is about five college students who go to a cabin to spend their weekend. At night, something special and weird happens. They are monitored by a mysterious group which is going to kill them in a certain order: Athlete, Scholar, Fool, Virgin. However, at the end of the film it comes to light / we(they) realize that these five people are killed in the wrong order. The amazing part of this movie is not only about the monsters and walking dead but also its metaphor that generally what we see may be only appearance.