F2F Class Notes (Nick) [W]


What is the best movie you have seen recently?


Signal – talking between things, be connected 信号

Proud – happy about what someone can do 骄傲

During – two things happening at the same time; something happening at a time

It takes [time] – 多久
e.g. It takes twenty minutes to get here from 交大.

River – 河江

怎么了 – What’s wrong? / What happened? / What’s going on?

Bored – how you feel
Boring – what makes you feel bored
e.g. I am bored because Nick is boring (hopefully not!)

Hopefully – what I want to be true; 希望
e.g. Hopefully I can have 干拌馄饨 for dinner.


Use “-ing” to make a noun.
e.g. Eating dinner is my favorite thing.
“Eating dinner” 一起形成一个名词
e.g. Singing songs by the river

Writing exercise

On working day ,my alarm goes off at 8’clock . I wake up and get up. And then i take a shower and to wash my hair and dry my hair take 20 minutes. And then I put on make up take 10 minutes . I ate some toast for breakfast . At the 8:40 I take taxi go to work . I don’t like subway because there are many people in the subway, so taxi is very nice.

On working days / During the week, my alarm goes off at 8’clock. I wake up and get up out of bed, and then I take a shower. and to Washing and drying my hair and dry my hair takes 20 minutes. And then I putting on make up takes 10 more minutes. I ate eat some toast for breakfast. At the 8:40 I take a taxi go to work. I don’t like the subway because there are many people in the subway, so taking a taxi is very nice.