F2F Class Notes (Nick) [W]

Next Class Focus

Finish the writing below.


How was your trip to Hong Kong to get the shot?


German – 德语

Semester – half a year of studying 学期

Content – what is inside of something; what something is about
e.g. The contents of this bottle are only water.
e.g. Did you understand the content of the movie?

Kind of / sort of – not totally, not completely, but a bit 有点

Courage – when you are not afraid of doing something even though it might be scary 勇气

Movie theater – 电影院

Look for – 寻找
e.g. I was looking for methods to learn English.

Suggest – to tell someone what you think they should do 建议, 推荐
e.g. I suggest that you try the noodles. They are very good!

See – if you can find something with your eyes 看到
e.g. Can you see the mountain over there?
Look – to move your eyes towards something
e.g. Look at the mountain! It looks like a person’s face!
Watch – to look at something for a long time
e.g. I am watching a TV show (for twenty minutes, or an hour)

Make Sense? – can you understand this? Is it easy to understand? 明白了吗?
e.g. Now that I have explained see, look, and watch, does it make sense?


Have been” is for something that was happening in the past, is happening now, and will probably continue to happen in the future.

Writing exercise

Recently ,I’m learning english, So i usually go to learn some ways to learnenglish. One day ,I saw a video , It talks about a method of practicing listening ,That is to find a US drama ,just listen, don’t go to see his content, Because the drama is easy to be attracted by the content, then we will not notice what it said ,I think it’s right ,so i want to try . At that time, my friend recommended the drama of bojack horseman for me , He said that the dialogue inside is very everyday. So i find it to practice listening.I haven’t seen this show since i heard it, I just use makeup everyday、go to work ,eat to listen what it is saying.

On the beginning ,I don’t know what they are talking about , because they speak fast for me, I just understand some words,After listening far a while, i can understand some lang sentences they said now, this method is useful for me

Recently, I have been learning English, so I usually go to learn was looking for some ways to learn English. One day, I saw a video. It talked about a method of practicing listening. That is to It suggested finding a US drama / TV show and just listening, don’t go to see his watch the content, Because the drama is easy to be attracted by the content, then we will not notice what it said ,I think it’s right ,so i want to try . At that time, my friend recommended the drama of bojack horseman for me , He said that the dialogue inside is very everyday. So i find it to practice listening.I haven’t seen this show since i heard it, I just use makeup everyday、go to work ,eat to listen what it is saying.

On the beginning ,I don’t know what they are talking about , because they speak fast for me, I just understand some words,After listening far a while, i can understand some lang sentences they said now, this method is useful for me


Shoot vs. Shot vs. Shit – “u” vs. “ah” vs. “ih”

Theater – thee – uh – ter