F2F Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Find one good thing to do in LA and tell me about it and its history.


Fahrenheit – (fair – en – height) 32F is the same as zero degrees Celsius, and 212F is the same as 100C
— The way you change from F to C is (X – 32) * (5/9)
— The way you change from C to F is X * (9/5) + 32

Conversion – to change from one thing or system to another
e.g. I gave you the conversion from F to C, and from C to F.

Humid – when the air has a lot of water in it
e.g. Shanghai is a very humid city.

Great minds think alike – smart people will have the same ideas; what you say when you think the same thing as someone else

Emigrate / immigrate – to move to another country to stay there (“e-” is out; “im-” is in)
e.g. I am emigrating from the US to China.
e.g. I am immigrating to China.

Panic – extreme fear or anxiety that makes it very difficult to think clearly
e.g. I was very panicked to answer the consulate’s question.
— I was too panicked to answer the consulate officer’s question.
— I almost panicked when the consulate officer asked me the first question.

Writing exercise

E.g. If you don’t finish your homework, then you will (have) stay at home until you finish it.

If I could speak English very well, I would change to a new job with higher salary.