F2F Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Write about the sites in He’nan Province. Were they good? Were they real?


Impact vs. Influence (as nouns) – the size of the effect, an effect vs. whether you have an effect, ability to cause an effect
e.g. We really made an impact today with that presentation.
e.g. Though he doesn’t work in this company any more, he still has good influence with the boss.
Effect – more neutral, to cause some change
e.g. After you take this medicine for three days, you should see some effects.

Point it out – to show someone where something is
e.g. If you bring up a map, I can point it out to you.


When using “respectively,” you need to have two sets, with the same number of elements, in the same order.
e.g. My gray, black, and tabby cats like to eat fish, mice, and birds, respectively (we have two groups: cats and food; each has three things in the group; they are listed in the same order, so that we know gray –> fish, black –> mice, tabby –> birds)

Writing exercise

Unfortunately America and Soviet Union controlled the peninsula in respectively which caused the provisional government in China lost its impacts after world war II. But each governments in nowadays Korea see the government as the symbol of their country.

Unfortunately (for China / Korea), America and the Soviet Union controlled the southern and northern parts of the peninsula, in respectively, which caused the provisional government in China to lose its impact / influence after World War II. But each South Korean government in nowadays Korea sees the provisional government as the symbol of their country, even though they are not actually related.