F2F Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Find a good article to read in class on something you’re interested in.

Maybe also write a summary of it.


Initial – the first of something
e.g. My initial idea was to build a house, but then I realized that I don’t have the money to do that.

His last initial – “the initial letter of his last name”
e.g. His last initial is “S” (his last/family name starts with the letter)

Given name – your individual name that your parents or other family members give you
e.g. My given names are Nicholas and Alexander.

Last name – your family name (Dad’s family)

Guilty – when you feel bad because of something you should have done, or because you did something that you should not have
e.g. We will never make you feel guilty for not doing your homework at SmartEnglish.

Broad – wide
e.g. This is a very broad road.
e.g. You should learn broadly (you should be interested in many things), because you never what you’ll find.

Join vs. Participate – join is like a group, to be a part of something (join + [noun]); participate is to do something with other people
e.g. He joined a language group (he is part of it, so he will participate regularly)
e.g. He joined in the singing / He joined in with the other singers.
e.g. He joined the performance (focusing on being in the group putting on the performance)
e.g. He participated in the performance (focusing on the fact that he’s doing something as part of the performance)
Attend – to go to something, but not to participate, just to watch
e.g. I attended a lecture because I like that Professor’s book and wanted to hear more (but I didn’t participate in any way, I only listened).
e.g. I attend the fencing club (I go regularly, but only to watch)

Get it in – to have time to do something, maybe by working extra quickly
e.g. Do you have time to finish that report today? Yeah, I think I can get it in.

Cultivate – to give something care and attention so that it will grow well; to put in effort over a long time to create something
e.g. If you work hard, you will cultivate good habits.

Writing exercise

That might be accumulation. It’s including learn the various knowledge, join the different activities and go to more countries to visit them culture. I hope you can get it in several decades later. It sounds difficult, don’t you. But must be interesting
Second one you should have humble and self-made personality, especially in your career. You shouldn’t have a thinking that is I’m a grade person, I always make right decision, because without you that the earth will keep rotation. You aren’t necessary one.
If you can do that with healthy mentality in the future and lucky enough, Maybe a fortitude time, you’ll become a successful person, such as a entrepreneur.

That might You should try to be accumulate many good experiences, It’s including learning broadly the various knowledge,** join participating in the different activities, and visiting more countries to visit them learn about their culture. I believe you will have enough time to do this in the coming decades. It sounds difficult, don’t you. but it will be interesting / worthwhile.
Second, one you should have be humble*** and self-made have an independent**** personality, especially in your career. You shouldn’t have a thinking that is I’m a grade person, I always make right decision, because without you that the earth will keep rotation. You aren’t necessary one.
If you can do that with healthy mentality in the future and lucky enough, Maybe a fortitude time, you’ll become a successful person, such as a entrepreneur.

** including mastering many subjects / skills

*** have humility

**** cultivate an independent personality


Butter – these t’s actually make two different sounds
— The first is a “stop,” where you use your tongue to stop the air
— The second is a regular “t” sound