F2F Class Notes (Nick) [W]


Talk about your time in the army, or about military-themed games you played (or both!).


Freeze – when a liquid becomes a solid (water to ice); when a computer stops working and the screen won’t respond
e.g. Ah man! My computer just froze! I guess I need to close a few programs.
— “Die” is for batteries, when they run out of power.

Battery – a small thing that stores electricity
e.g. My mouse uses two batteries.

Bullet – what comes out of a gun
Trigger – what you pull with your finger to make the gun fire
Sight(s) – what you use to aim the gun
Barrel – the long inside of the gun that the bullet moves through to leave the gun

Automatic Rifle – when you pull the trigger the bullets will come out without stopping
Semi-Automatic Rifle – you must pull the trigger again for each bullet, but you can shoot many bullets without

Accuracy – whether something hits what it is supposed to; whether numbers are close to what really is

Game Console – a small computer specialized for playing games
e.g. Sega, xBox, Nintendo, Playstation

Level – one area in a game, usually with a “final boss” you have to defeat before going on to the next one

Make – force or cause some result; the other person has little or no choice but to do or feel something
e.g. I made him angry (I did something to cause his anger)
e.g. I made him eat it (I bothered or otherwise caused him to eat it)
Let – to not stop something from happening, or to not stop someone from doing something
e.g. I saw the bus leaving, and though I could have run to catch it, I let it go because I was too tired.
e.g. I let him leave class early (I could have stopped him, but I didn’t)


When I was a student in middle school – when I was a middle-school student / when I was in middle school

Playing games for all weeks was the key causing let me to need to wear glasses – Playing games all the time / frequently / too much was the key cause that made me need to wear glasses

I don’t rest for enough – I didn’t rest enough / I didn’t get enough sleep / I didn’t take enough breaks / I didn’t have enough time to rest

I don’t know how to say that use English – in English

I need to create an environment by myself – I need to create my own environment

Writing exercise

My dear children
A tradition idiom in China that main meaning is : if you are a arrogant person, you will make mistake as soon. It can also explain within “If you want to someone face fail, you can push them into the expansion”
First of all, so don’t become arrogant people. If you want to get success that you need to spend a long period of time on your job or other things that you think it is right. That might be accumulation. It’s including learn the various knowledge, join the different activities and go to more countries to visit them culture. I hope you can get it in several decades later. It sounds difficult, don’t you. But must be interesting
Second one you should have humble and self-made personality, especially in your career. You shouldn’t have a thinking that is I’m a grade person, I always make right decision, because without you that the earth will keep rotation. You aren’t necessary one.
If you can do that with healthy mentality in the future and lucky enough, Maybe a fortitude time, you’ll become a successful person, such as a entrepreneur.

My dear children,
A traditional Chinese idiom in China whose main meaning is : if you are an arrogant person, you will make mistakes as soon.** It can also be explained as: “If you want someone to face fail, you can push them into the expansion flatter them (so that they aren’t careful anymore)
First of all then, so don’t become arrogant people. If you want to achieve success then you need to spend a lot of time on your job or other worthwhile things that you think it is right.

That might be accumulation. It’s including learn the various knowledge, join the different activities and go to more countries to visit them culture. I hope you can get it in several decades later. It sounds difficult, don’t you. But must be interesting
Second one you should have humble and self-made personality, especially in your career. You shouldn’t have a thinking that is I’m a grade person, I always make right decision, because without you that the earth will keep rotation. You aren’t necessary one.
If you can do that with healthy mentality in the future and lucky enough, Maybe a fortitude time, you’ll become a successful person, such as a entrepreneur.

** If you are arrogant, it will soon lead you to make a mistake.


Accuracyak – yer – uh – see