F2F Class Notes (Nick) [S]


What do you do at the gym and what do you like to eat afterwards?


Stuffy – when a room is too hot and the air is not moving

I don’t how to – you maybe want to do something, but you aren’t sure what you need to do
I can’t – it is impossible for you to do something
e.g. I don’t know how to scuba dive, but I would like to.
e.g. Because my heart is weak, I can’t go scuba diving.

Weak – 弱

Saltwater Popsicle – 盐水棒冰

Specialty – something that is very popular or good in some place 特色
Unique – there is nothing like something else 特有的

Traditional – anything that people have done or eaten for a long time; special food that is eaten in a place (general; what they do and what they have or eat)
Folk – stories that people tell in a place about where they came from and who they are (more specific; what people do)

Regular – something that happens in the same way at the same time every time
e.g. I have a regular lunch appointment with my friend on Tuesday every week.

想吃就吃 – I eat ice cream whenever I think about it, not at a regular time

Treat your self – after you do some work, you can have something nice, like time to watch TV or something nice to eat
e.g. After Qin goes to exercise, she likes to treat herself to some ice cream.

Piece by piece / bit by bit – for something to happen without a plan and gradually
Gradually – slowly 逐渐

Cool off – to bring your body temperature down
e.g. Saltwater popsicles are good to help you cool off in the summer (or at least this is what Qin says, if you believe her!)

Cream – 奶油

Advertising / Radio Voice – the way that people sound on TV and on the radio

Recently – 最近

Glass Heart – someone who is easily hurt 玻璃心

Speaking exercise

Summer is coming! I favorite food is ice cream. I most like popsicle. Sticky rice ice cream bar. Coconut Gray. Twice a week, 然后一次吃两根 ice cream. Maybe, but not 固定的时间. Eat after fitness.

Summer is coming! My favorite food is ice cream. I most like saltwater popsicles the most. I also like sticky rice ice cream bars and coconut gray ice cream. I eat two ice cream bars twice a week. Maybe, but not regularly. I like to eat ice cream after fitness working out.