F2F Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Phrase – a few words together that make an idea, but not a whole sentence
e.g. in the store
e.g. Though I don’t like durian . . .

打黄扫非 – Eliminate sex work and sweep away lawlessness
除恶扫黑 – Eliminate evil and sweep away underworld activity

Underworld – illegal activities that have to happen where the police cannot see them; gangs, mobs, mafia 黑恶势力

Northern China – 北方

Gang, Mafia – a group of people usually involved in illegal activity and violence; they often identify themselves with certain types of clothes, tattoos, hairstyles, 帮派,黑帮

Tattoo – when you draw something on your skin and it stays there forever

Machete (ma – sheh – tee) – a long knife used for cutting things in a forest

Image result for machete
Suspicious – someone who is doing something that they probably should not be doing; or, someone who thinks that another person is doing something that they shouldn’t, how they feel
e.g. Why is he carrying a machete in the city? That is very suspicious…
e.g. I was very suspicious about what he was doing when I saw him at the office so late at night.
Promote – to give another person a better position
Promotion – when you get a better position
Document – an official piece of paper 文件


Where is only dedicated to entertain his friends and customers – a place that is dedicated to entertaining his friends and customers
— When you make a noun phrase with a verb, you usually use the “-ing” form

Where you can do everythinganything

Drink, drank, drunk

Speaking exercise

HR management exams. I should take the certificate and it help me to promote my position. If I want to promote I should have more professional experience and graduation and expertise certificate. I get the middle economist certificate.

We had to take HR management exams at work recently. I should take want to get the certificate and it to help me to get a promotion my position.** If I want to get promoted I should have get more professional experience, and graduation a higher degree, and more expertise certificates / a higher level expertise certificate. I got the mid-level / intermediate economist certificate.

** If I want a promotion, then I should try to earn the certificate.