F2F Class Notes (Nick) [S]


What were you listening when you came into class? What kind of music was it?

Next Class Focus

Finish the speaking below.


Durian – 榴莲

Nutritious – something that you eat that is good for your body
e.g. Some say that durian is very nutritious (Nick doesn’t believe them).

Cherry – 樱桃

Vanilla – 香草

Pause – when something is going and you make it stop for a short time
e.g. When I came into class, I forgot to pause what I was listening to.

Image result for pause symbol

Shut down / Turn off – 关掉, 关
e.g. Please turn off the lights when you leave (NOT close)
e.g. Please shut down the computer when you are done using it.

Tough – hard to break or cut
e.g. The shell of a durian is very hard to cut.

Speaking exercise

榴莲 is my favorite fruit. Durian taste like milk ice cream. Smell delicious, and the shell is jianyin / jiangude. Many women like durian, but some man doesn’t like. They don’t like its smell / 味道. Durian have many yinyang in the Thailand peoples always say one durian like three chicken.

Durian is my favorite fruit. Durian tastes like milk ice cream. It smells delicious, and the shell is hard and strong / tough. Many women like durian, but some man doesn’t like. They don’t like its smell / 味道. Durian have many yinyang in the Thailand peoples always say one durian like three chicken.


Pain – “ay,” not “ee”