F2F Class Notes (Nick) [S]

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Finish correcting the speaking section below.


Write about the angry customer who came into the store.

Try to remember the kind of fabric he wanted!


Adverb – a word that describes a verb or adjective 副词
e.g. He is very quick (adjective)
e.g. He runs quickly (adverb)

Suit – for something to be right, to work well, to fit; have the right style
e.g. His way of teaching suits me well (I understand what he is saying)
Fit – to have enough space
e.g. These pants fit me (I can put them on and they are comfortable)
e.g. The pants fit, but they don’t suit me (I can put them on, but they are not the right style for me, they don’t look good when I put them on)

Patient – 耐心
e.g. The customer who came into Nina’s store was not patient at all. Here at SmartEnglish we are always very patient.

Frustrated – when you want to do something, or try very hard, but cannot
e.g. I am frustrated because I can’t remember what it was that the angry customer wanted!

Earthquake – when the ground moves a lot

Oblivious – someone who does not notice what is happening around them
e.g. There was just a big fight in the hall, but he didn’t even notice. He is oblivious to everything.

– someone who doesn’t worry, who is generally happy
e.g. She has had so many difficult things happen in her life, yet she remains carefree!
Callous – someone who does not care about the emotions or problems of others, who is not affected by anything
e.g. He has ruined the lives of the people who he fired, but he doesn’t care. He is a cruel, callous man.


I speak English it’s not good – I don’t speak English well
— With a negative sentence (using “not”) we also use “do”
— When we want to describe a verb, we want an adverb

We use the present to talk about what happens usually, or in general
e.g. I eat lunch in the university dining hall (usually, regularly, often)
e.g. I don’t drink coffee, I drink tea (I usually don’t drink coffee, but I often drink tea)

We use “a” or “an” to mean one example from a group
e.g. This is an American company (one of many American companies)
e.g. This is a nice pair of shoes (one of many nice pairs of shoes)

I see this I will sleep – When I see this I go to / fall sleep

Didn’t understand his means – Didn’t understand what he meant / Couldn’t understand what he said

Speaking exercise

I worked in a luxury store, American company/brand. It’s called Ralph Lauren. I worked operations store, for example the light is broke, tell me, I will call to office. Arrived many big boxes, many clothes in the box, tell me. I will sent email to office. Many many things, little things. You say things, I understand anything. But I can’t say I think. I don’t know how to say.

I worked in a luxury store, an American company/brand. It’s called Ralph Lauren. I worked operations store, for example the light is broke, tell me, I will call to office. Arrived many big boxes, many clothes in the box, tell me. I will sent email to office. Many many things, little things. You say things, I understand anything. But I can’t say I think. I don’t know how to say.