F2F Class Notes (Nick) [S]


Check out NaNoWriMo=  National Novel Writing Month

Review the vocabulary from the this video:

Check the transcript to read it if that helps.


Diplomacy – working on relations between countries 外交

Consistent – to do the same thing every time
e.g. In our classes at SmartEnglish, we must be consistent with our notes, so that the students can review them easily.

Transfer – to move something from one place to another
e.g. We are going to transfer you from the legal department to the HR department.

Process vs. Progress – process is something that you are doing that takes time, or the way you do it; progress is measuring how close you are to your end goal
e.g. We are in the process of developing a new marketing strategy (we are doing it, and it we are in the middle, and so we will keep working on it)
e.g. We are making good progress in trying to get money. We have already reached our goal for October.

Out-of-the-Box Thinking – when you try to think in a new way, beyond usual limits

Tush / Duff – funny words for butt

Prevalent – very common
e.g. Sitting is so prevalent that we don’t notice how much time we spend doing it.

Fluorescent – a type of lights used in offices, with a white color

To the tune of – approximately, about, almost, roughly, nearly
e.g. We crashed our cars and damaged them, to the tune of $10,000.


Will you stay in Shanghai after you graduated – after you graduate

Speaking exercise

Maybe because I haven’t come here for whole month. Sometimes I feel like I can’t catch up. Today I still feel so confused. Not confused, I mean I need to think for a few minutes what you are saying. I can understand what you say, but I just need some time to transfer in my mind. But I only have one month to study here, it’s the last month.

Maybe because I haven’t come here for a whole month, but sometimes I feel like I can’t catch up. Today I still feel sort of confused. Not confused, I mean I need to think for a few moments to understand what you are saying. Well, I can understand what you are saying, but I just need some time to translate / process it in my mind. But I only have one more month of classes to study here, it’s the my last month.